頂尖卓越 十年淬鍊

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Dream Bigger, Do Together.


遠雄集團凝聚出「夥伴精神」的企業價值觀,成為每位遠雄人未來不可或缺的特質與目標,並提出嶄新品牌主張「Dream Bigger. Do Together. 築夢齊飛」和「夢想通道」的全新品牌識別意涵,不只代表遠雄團隊協作,更是與市場、消費者、合作夥伴、供應商、投資人間的緊密合作。

We believe that architecture is not just a structure of reinforced concrete, but also a place that integrates culture, art and life, and carries the happiness and safety of the family. Farglory stands on the concept of users' future life and plans houses for residents that meet the living needs of the next 50 or even 100 years. Not only can you enjoy the living space of all ages leading the market trend, but also gather the benign interaction between family and neighbors. Farglory always puts people first.

Build up wonderful future



The construction and construction business is the foundation of the Farglory Group. Farglory Construction has entered the fifth decade since its establishment in 1978. In 2011, it successfully issued 210 million US dollars of overseas depositary receipts, which were listed on the London Stock Exchange, becoming the first in Taiwan. It is the first listed construction company to issue GDR, and its current market value ranks among the top three listed construction companies.

Look into the future



As the No. 1 construction company named by consumers in Taiwan, Farglory's operating purpose is not limited to building houses. We insist on creating a brand, taking the lead in creating a "future housing research and development team", launching second-generation houses for the first time, and advocating environmental symbiosis , digital intelligence, smart green life.